Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Is Spring a Special Season?

*From my old Friendster Blog site written on March 13, 2007.

I once heard an American proverb that says:

"In the spring, a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love".

Now that it is almost spring time, I suddenly recalled this very proverb. So, I'm just curious to ask if this is true - that love often occurs around this time of year - when these young men's imagination is starting to change to romantic thoughts..

Or don't you think that love could occur at just about any time of the year? That it does not depend on time. Winter, summer and fall sounds like good seasons to start a relationship too, aren't they? Can't we just replace the word "spring" in the proverb to all these other seasons? As if love only happens in March and April? Why did they pick spring when the proverb was created, then?

(You know what, I'm starting to think that this proverb must be created by some dude who just fell in love with a cute girl in one of those ancient spring times - so that's why...)

Hmm, so, now, what do YOU think? Feel free to leave your comments on this one, alright.. It'll be much appreciated ;) Thanks!

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