Saturday, February 9, 2008

Relationships Are Like Jual-Beli

Here's something a friend of mine told me recently, which I think is very interesting to share with you guys:

"Sometimes, being in a relationship is very much like being in a market. You, orang kedai, and your partner nak beli your products. You know barang you tak perfect, tapi you tau ada quality. You gotta sell it! Sell the quality. She knows these barang tak perfect, tapi that's not the only thing she looks into. She weighs the good and the bad. If you know how to sell it, she'll buy it. So, sell it to her!"

Imperfection-based insecurities, anyone?

Remember, like my friend said, "If you know how to sell it, she'll buy it".

And another thing. This also applies to girls. Just change all the "her" and "she" to "him" and "he", and you're good to go.


1 comment:

Fikri Saleh said...

Of course, nobody is perfect. And I'd like to share this quote (I don't know from who, I got it from re-orientation LOL):

"True love is to love someone's imperfections prefectly." Corny, I know, but maybe there's some grain of truth in that. I think. LOL.