Saturday, October 4, 2008

Appreciation Comes When It's Not There Anymore

Too often we forget to appreciate something when it lies abundantly upon us. When this suddenly disappears, become scarce, and not easily available for us to grab, then only we'd feel the real, true value of it.

You can just name it - Parents, good health, eyesight, God's blessings, good neighbors, our significant other, a peaceful nation, access to electricity and water, life, money, or freedom. Once these are taken away, then only we know how valuable they actually are to us.

Appreciation seems like it's quite a simple thing - but it's not. For some reason, it comes easier only when we don't have that special something anymore.

Anyways, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Eid Mubarak, and take care everyone. I apologize for any of my mistakes all this while. You guys have a good one alright. Cheers ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more. we miss things that we took for granted. i do, you do, so does everyone else.